A Degree Above
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1 Extra Degree Makes the Difference
Unlock your one extra degree!
The future of work is evolving fast.
65% of future jobs do not exist today.
The Future of Jobs Report 2023 | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
Can the skills needed for them be?
About ‘A Degree Above’
We are on a mission to future-proof today’s workforce. Sharply targeted on the careers of the young professionals between 1-5 years of experience, ADA is focused on building key skills of the future in its learners.
A Degree Above builds the ecosystem needed for the young talent to flourish in these fast-changing future of work. The three pillars of our ecosystem include:
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What are the skills the future-ready workforce needs?
Our program is centred around a powerful concept called “meta-learning” – the ability to learn how to learn. Master this skill to develop the resilience and flexibility to thrive in any professional environment, no matter how rapidly it evolves. Learn more about the other skills A Degree Above builds.
Adaptability & dealing with ambiguity
Learn tools to navigate through uncertainties using real-world scenarios. Make change work to your advantage.
relationships &
Convert your connections into meaningful relationships. Become an active member of your network.
problem solving
& decision
Understand and apply techniques for structured problem-solving and data-driven decision-making.
Stay relevant in a rapidly changing world through meta-learning. Leverage neuroscience to become a continuous learner.
Resilience and
stress tolerance
Burnout is real but beatable. Learn the right practices early on to build grit and stress resistance as your grow.
Leverage the principles of breakthrough innovation. Get your hands dirty and practice your creative thinking.
Learn tools to analytically think through problems and offer solutions. Become an active contributor in your role.
Why ‘A Degree Above’
A Degree Above is more than a leadership journey. Find out what is in it for YOU!
The Future of Work is fast evolving!